University of Virginia Library

Professor Watson's Courses in Geology.

The following courses in Economic Geology,
for undergraduates and graduates,
are offered by Professor Thomas L. Watson:

1. General Economic Geology—Lectures,
collateral reading, laboratory and
field work. This course is designed to
give a general but comprehensive account
of the origin, nature, distribution,
and uses of the metallic and non-metallic
products, with especial reference to those
of the United States. Students taking
this course must have had sufficient preparation
in general geology and mineralogy.

2. Advanced Economic Geology—Laboratory
and field work, reading, reports,
and theses. Designed primarily for
graduates. Open to those students who
have had Course 1 or its equivalent.
This course is designed to supplement
Course 1, by giving advanced students an
opportunity to follow out more thoroughly
special topics in mining geology. It
will necessarily vary with the needs of
the individual student.

3. Economic Geology of the Southern
Appalachians — Designed primarily for
graduates. Open to those students who
have had Course 1 or its equivalent. In
this course the mining geology of the region
and especially that of Virginia is
covered in considerable detail. Excursions
to various parts of the region will
be taken and individual reports required.
This course will begin in 1908, and will
be given during alternate years in connection
with another course of similar
character and scope.

Other courses, announcements of
which will appear shortly, will soon be
scheduled in this department.