University of Virginia Library

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THIS CATALOGUE was apparently finished in 1875, at the end of the first half century of the existence of the University
But when at that time the manuscript was placed in the hands of Captain Joseph Van Holt Nash, who had undertaken
to publish the work, it was found to be far from complete. Captain Nash thereupon with true devotion set to work,
and with indomitable perseverance, perfected the work, spending money, time and labor without stint in the difficult task.
To him, therefore, the friends of the University are deeply indebted for the improved form and completeness of this
memorial of their Alma Mater. Nor must it be forgotten that venerable Alumni, seated in the highest seats of honor, and
young men just entering upon life's career, soldiers with a glorious record in the annals of war, and diligent workers in
peaceful pursuits, old pupils cast by fate upon distant shores, and happy sons of Virginia who have never left their native
land—all have cheerfully and promptly aided in the great work. But for the efficient assistance thus rendered by kind
friends, and the indefatigable efforts of Captain Nash, the publication would have been impossible.