University of Virginia Library


In Memoriam, Kaiser Friedrich, 15th June, 1888.

The gallant fight is fought, the victory won,
At last, through pangs, grief, woe—the long dark spell
Of doubt is broken, by the solemn bell—
To glorious father goes more glorious son;


For he has conquered death, as conquered none
Mortal, and wrung new wreaths from very hell,
To be immortal now his work is done,
Wrought out of pain endured—and it is well.
We would not weep, and even these natural tears
Fall at our bitter loss and severed ties,
But not for him who in God's mercy lies;
He suffered sore, with no complaint or fears,
And now he rests and speaks through endless years—
Yea, victor Friedrich lives, 'tis death that dies.