University of Virginia Library

Sec. 324. Fire escapes.

Unless specially ordered otherwise by the Council, there shall
be placed by the respective owners on the outside of each factory,
workshop, hotel, boarding house, office building, school, hospital,
tenement house, seminary, college, academy and asylum, of over
two stories in height, each theatre, hall and place of public amusement
in the City of Charlottesville, a fire escape, or more than
one when declared necessary by the Council, to consist of iron
stairways, with iron handrails, leading from a platform at each
story, and easily accessible from the passageways of each story;
the said iron stairways shall continue to the ground; but, when
erected over a public highway, the lower section shall be adjustable
so as to keep at a distance of not less than twelve feet above
the ground, except when in use during fire, and the said lower
section shall be kept raised from the ground, except when in use
during a fire.

The manner and materials of construction shall be subject to
the approval of the City Engineer.

The owner of any building, subject to the requirements of this


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section, who shall fail, after written notice from the Council, to
comply with its provisions, shall be fined not less than $25, nor
more than $100, for each month, or part of a month, that he shall
continue in default hereunder.