University of Virginia Library

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Harry Clemons, M.A.  Librarian 
Mary Louise Dinwiddie  Assistant Librarian 
Olive Dickinson Clark  In Charge of Circulation Division 
Virginia Cloud Jacobs  Assistant in Circulation Division 
Hubert Douglas Bennett  Assistant in Circulation Division 
Horace Greeley Bass, B.A.  Assistant in Circulation Division 
William Robert Martin  Assistant in Circulation Division 
Ella Watson Johnson  In Charge of Medical Library, Cataloguer 
Achilles Lacy Tynes, Jr., B.S.  Assistant in Medical Library 
Charles William Rodgers, Jr.  Assistant in Medical Library 
Norma Lena Via  Assistant in Journal Section 
Jamie Miller Wotton  Assistant in Government Documents Section 
Majorie Dunham Carver  In Charge of Special Cataloguing 
Jane Grigsby Farrar  Cataloguer, In Charge of Filing 
Lucy Trimble Clark  Assistant in Preparations Division 
Aletta Wood  Assistant in Preparations Division 
Louise Leachman Via  Assistant in Acquisitions Division 
Catherine Lipop Graves  Librarian, Law Library 
Nellie Wingfield Smith  Assistant to the Librarian, Law Library 
Bentley Hite, B.A.  Night Librarian, Law Library 
Frances Bruffey  Librarian, Heck Memorial Library 


The General Library, the Periodical Room, the Government Documents
Section, and the Medical Library are located at the Rotunda.

The Law Library is located on the second floor of Minor Hall.

The Heck Memorial Library of Education is located on the second
floor of Peabody Hall.

The departmental libraries and other collections are located as follows:

Art and architecture, in Fayerweather Hall.

Astronomy, in the Leander McCormick Observatory.

Biology and botany, in the Biological Laboratory.

Bruce Library, in the Graduate House.

Chemistry, in Cobb Hall.

Classics (Hertz Library), in Cabell Hall.

Engineering, in the Mechanical Laboratory.

Geology, in the Lewis Brooks Museum.


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Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Collection, in the Institute for
Research in the Social Sciences.

Mathematics, in Cabell Hall.

Music, in the Music Room.

Physics, in the Rouss Physical Laboratory.

Rural economics, in the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences.

Hours of Opening

The General Library (Rotunda) is open on week days from 9:00 a. m.
to 10:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m.

The Periodical Room and the Government Documents Section (Rotunda)
are open on week days from 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.

The Medical Library (Rotunda) is open on week days from 9:00 a. m.
to 6:00 p. m., and on week days excepting Saturday from 7:30 to 10:30
p. m.

The Law Library (Minor Hall) is open daily, with Librarians in attendance
on week days from 9:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m., from 3:30 to 5:00 p.
m., and from 7:30 to 10:00 p. m.

The Heck Memorial Library of Education (Peabody Hall) is open on
week days from 9:00 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. and from 1:45 to 4:30 p. m.; it is
open on week days excepting Saturday from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.

Loan of Books

Books may be borrowed from the General Library by the following:
(1) officers, professors, and students of the University; (2) former officers
of the University; and (3) card-holders. The card-holders make a deposit
of five dollars and pay for each year or fraction thereof a fee of one dollar.
The deposit is returned on request, less any penalties for detention or
injury of books. Officers, professors, or students may not borrow books
for the use of others.

The following classes of books are, however, not available for circulation
(1) works of reference, including dictionaries; (2) books temporarily
reserved for the use of students in any of the courses of instruction;
(3) the latest numbers of current periodicals; (4) books of rare or special

Size of Collections

In the University collections combined there were in December 1927
a total of 151,333 volumes. These were located as follows:

Collections at the Rotunda  88,881 volumes 
Law Library  22,725 volumes 
Heck Memorial Library of Education  5,557 volumes 
Departmental libraries and other collections  34,170 volumes 
151,333 volumes 

This total does not include unbound material. The Periodical Room in the


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General Library, the Heck Memorial Library, and the departmental libraries
together receive 461 current periodicals; and the Law Library receives
seventy-six current periodicals. In the periodical room there are files of
over 750 periodicals.


The University libraries have been enriched by generous donations
from alumni and other friends of the University. The list of donors is a
long and distinguished one; and to make any selection from it is liable to
result in important and unintentional omissions. Among the names,
however, which are associated with gifts to the University libraries are the
following: Grace Arents, P. B. Barringer, Charles F. Bevan, William K.
Bixby. W. D. Booker, J. Douglas Bruce, Alfred H. Boyd, William Andrews
Clark, Jr., A. B. Cooke, Alfred W. Erickson, Bennett W. Green, Mrs. J.
Taylor Gwathmey, James A. Harrison, William Harry Heck, Martin
Hertz, Frederick W. H. Holliday, George Frederick Holmes, Arthur Curtiss
James, Edward W. James, Gaetano Lanza, Stephen D. Lee, W. Gordon
McCabe, James McKeldin, Hazlitt McKim, Wilbur P. Morgan, Mrs.
Andrew Murphy, Robert L. Preston, Thomas R. Price, Clara Tuttle Probasco,
Cordelia H. B. Rogers, Charles N. Shields, Jr., Barnard Shipp, Mary
W. Stevenson, Isabel Mercein Tunstall, W. D. Weaver, Mrs. George Wertenbaker,
and W. N. Whitney.