University of Virginia Library


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Connected with the University are two literary societies of long standing—the
Jefferson Society and the Washington Society. At weekly meetings
in their respective halls they hold debates and practice extemporaneous
and other forms of public speaking. Each society annually offers gold medals
for excellence in debating and oratory, and each organization contests
for intersociety prizes.


The Association includes all women students of the University of Virginia,
and exists to bring about a greater unity and mutual helpfulness
among the women of the University, and to promote and maintain the
highest standards of University life.


The University of Virginia Magazine, designed to encourage literary
work among the students, is published by the students with the advisory
assistance of the Linden Kent Memorial School of English Literature, and
appears at monthly intervals, eight times during the session. As a stimulus
to literary activity, the Magazine offers every year three medals: One
for the best poem, one for the best short story, and one for the best essay,
of student authorship, appearing in one of the numbers of the publication.
The awards are made by alumni committees, one committee for each of
the three medals.

College Topics is a daily newspaper published by the students and devoted
to the interests of the University at large.

Corks and Curls is the University annual, its aim being to present
some record of the scholastic, religious, athletic and social activities of the
college year. Its publication is in the hands of a chartered corporation
formed by the fraternities and literary societies of the University.

The Virginia Law Review is a journal devoted to the discussion of general
questions of American jurisprudence published monthly from October
to May, inclusive, by the students of the Law Department.

The Virginia Reel is an illustrated magazine of humor, published by
the students ten times a year.

The University of Virginia Journal of Engineering is published by the
students of the Department of Engineering ten times a year.