University of Virginia Library


[Lord, I glorify Thy grace]

Lord, I glorify Thy grace,
Thy truth, and saving power,
Waiting to behold Thy face
And live in sin no more:
I shall fully be renew'd,
All Thy promises receive;
Spite of hell, and flesh, and blood,
I dare at last believe.
Can the Ethiop change his skin,
His spots the leopard lose?
Then may I, inured to sin,
The path of virtue choose.


Surely in Thy strength I may;
At Thy word it shall be so,
I shall from my heart obey,
I shall be white as snow.
I have not believed in vain,
The word of faith is sure:
How should sin in me remain,
When Jesus saith, “Be pure,
Perfect as your Father is”?
Father, is there sin in Thee?
Thou art mine, with all Thy bliss,
When Jesus lives in me.
Mine is wisdom, power is mine,
When Christ is in my heart:
Thou, O Christ, art power Divine,
Wisdom Divine Thou art!
Soon as Thee my spirit feels,
Sin no more hath place in me;
Then in me all fulness dwells:
All fulness dwells in Thee.