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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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[A Second Elegy on William Aikman]



Welcome Dear friend I wishd to meet the[e] here
Soft Breath[e] the Winds [and] a' the lift looks clear
to yon Deep Glen wher sun beams sinle shine
throw Shading Birks let's hy & there recline
there freely let us give a loose to greef
our mutual sighs will bring us some relief
whilest we the Merits sing & soul sae even
that made our Aikman Sae soon ripe for heaven

O Clerk I like the kind proposall well
for in my Breast sic tender Twangs I feel
that all that pleasd me once now dull appear
since we have lost the man to us so dear
what worth is Life it yeilds no stayd repose
when what we wish to keep we soonest Lose

Take care it sets not mortalls to repine
with weak reflections [on] the Will devine
all that he breathd for her[e] below
and hinders merits flow to blow


(The fragment ends here)