University of Virginia Library


[I. Hark! the echo of shout and song]

Hark! the echo of shout and song!
See the bacchanals troop along!
Loud the cymbals are sounding.
Then, as wildly they onward pour,
Swells the drum, with its hollow roar,
Deep from cavern rebounding.
Quick the Graces, with timid flight,
Far retire to the forest-night,
Scared, as the din is pealing.
Gentle Nymphs to the thicket fly,
Wait till the tumult has hurried by,
Racked each tenderer feeling.


Such the tumult and din of life;
So it rushes, in storm and strife
Flies the ideal before it:
And as its discord rolls along,
Still is the gentle voice of song:
Only can peace restore it.

[II. Bright ascends the festal dawn; bright the temple is flashing]

Bright ascends the festal dawn; bright the temple is flashing:
Wide a nation is rolling on; spear and armor are clashing.
Garlands circle each helmet there, high on standard are glancing:
Shouts are filling the vernal air; gayly the youth are dancing.
So they haste to the sacred games,—wild each bosom is beating:
Victory high each soul enflames,—loud the champion's greeting.
Swiftly flies the race of car and steed,—far sweeps the dust to heaven:
Glorious shines the conqueror's meed, when by a nation given.