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Sec. 3-24. Disposal of manure.

Every person owning or occupying any building or part of
a building where one or more horses, mules, cows or similar
animals are kept shall maintain in connection therewith, constructed
and screened in accordance with regulations of the
health department, a bin or pit for the reception of manure


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and, pending the removal from the premises of the manure
from the animals aforesaid, shall place such manure in such
bin or pit.

No person owning or occupying any building or part of a
building in which any horse, mule, cow or similar animal is
kept shall keep any manure, or permit any manure to be kept,
in or upon any portion of the premises other than the bin
or pit provided for that purpose nor shall any person aforesaid
allow any such bin or pit to be overfilled or to be needlessly

No person shall permit any manure to accumulate on premises
under his control in such manner or to such an extent as
to give rise to objectionable odors upon any public highway
or upon any premises owned or occupied by any person other
than the person owning or occupying the premises on which
the manure is located. Every person having the use of any
manure bin or pit shall cause all such manure to be removed
from the premises weekly. (Code 1959, § 3-22.)