University of Virginia Library

Sept. 28-Oct. 4

At church and hear Mr. Boyden. Spend Monday at The Creek ....Tuesday Jimmy brings me home. I'm so glad to get back but feel badly about leaving Sally so lonely. Dear little woman, she is so poorly in health and spirits. I wish she could go to Jabe. She seems to feel my leaving her much. Jabe is now in Lynchburg; hope he can settle there and send for little Sis ....Go right to work teaching school ....Letters from Sue; Cousin Sop [Sue's father-in-law] is very ill. They fear he cannot get well. Oh, what a loss he would be to his family but God knows what is best and may they all bow with submission to His Will .... Such very dry weather. Hard times for the farmers as they cannot plough for seeding wheat and it is getting very late in the year. On Friday we see by the papers that cousin Sop is dead. Oh, his poor wife and children. How they must grieve for I never knew a man more idolized then he was by his whole family. Mary Lewis in town staying; I miss her much. Am trying to be a very strict school ma'am. So very dry. It really begins to look scary. The farmers have not been able to sow any wheat as yet and it is getting very late in the season.