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[O the cruel power of sin]

O the cruel power of sin,
How long shall it endure?
When, O when shall I be clean,
And pure as God is pure?
From the dead with Jesus rise,
Be in all His blessing blest,
Gain my calling's glorious prize,
And enter into rest?


O might I this moment cease
From every work of mine;
Find the perfect holiness,
The righteousness Divine;
Righteousness which never ends:
In himself who feels it wrought,
He no more his God offends
In deed, or word, or thought.
Unto this thrice happy state
O how shall I attain?
All my time for this I wait,
And cannot wait in vain;
I shall Thy salvation see,
I shall do Thy perfect will,
Live in glorious liberty,
And all Thy fulness feel.
O cut short the work, and make
Me now a creature new;
For Thy truth and mercy's sake,
The gracious wonder show:
Call me forth Thy witness, Lord;
Let my life declare Thy power;
Born of God, renew'd, restored,
O let me sin no more.
Fain would I the truth proclaim
That makes me free indeed,
Glorify my Saviour's name,
And all its virtues spread:
Jesus all our wants relieves;
Jesus, mighty to redeem,
Saves, and to the utmost saves,
All those that come to Him.


Jesu, lo! I come to Thee,
And wait to be sent forth;
If Thy Spirit send forth me,
A worm shall shake the earth;
I shall Thy great name declare,
Spread Thy victories abroad,
Be the weapons of Thy war,
The battle-axe of God.
Perfect then Thy mighty power
In a weak, sinful worm;
All my sins destroy, devour,
And all my soul transform:
Now apply Thy Spirit's seal;
O come quickly from above,
Empty me of self, and fill
With all the life of love.