University of Virginia Library

He, many Patrons and Deliv'rers gave us,
From Forraign and Domestick foes to save us:
Of whom, some, by their self-will and Ambition,
Wrought both our sorrow, and their own perdition.


Some of them, we disabled; some despis'd:
We flatter'd some, and some we Idoliz'd,
Untill to such a height we puft them had,
That to our servants, slaves our selves we made;
Yet cease not at this hour to do the same,
Though still, it brings more sorrow, and more shame;
And will, to be deliver'd from one curse
Thereby incurr'd, run headlong to a worse.
Mark, (though you sleight me) what we dayly do;
And brand me, if it shortly prove not so,
Unless we tack and wheel about to that
Which may prevent it, ere it be too late.