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[O Jesu, full of truth and grace]

O Jesu, full of truth and grace,
O all-atoning Lamb of God,
I wait to see Thy lovely face,
I seek redemption through Thy blood.
In Thee, who hast redeem'd of old
Mine and the souls of all mankind,
Though once to sin and Satan sold,
Surely I shall redemption find.
Hold of Thy righteousness I take;
Thou hast exchanged it for my sin;
Thy spotless soul as hell seem'd black,
That mine through Thee might all be clean.
Thou, Lord, for me a sinner made,
Hast robb'd me of my curse and pain,
Hast died and suffer'd in my stead,
That I through Thee might live and reign.
Now in Thy strength I strive with Thee,
My Friend and Advocate with God;
Give me the sinless liberty,
Give me the purchase of Thy blood.
Thou art the anchor of my hope,
The faithful saying I receive;
Surely Thy death shall raise me up,
For Thou hast died that I may live.


Live without sin! If God is true
I thus shall serve Him all my days,
Shall apprehend whom I pursue,
And justly triumph in His grace.
Satan, with all his arts, no more
Me from the Gospel's hope can move;
I shall receive the' almighty power,
And find the pearl of perfect love.
Though all the advocates for sin
Assert their heathenish liberty,
If Jesu's blood can wash me clean
Sin shall not always dwell in me.
Though nature gives my God the lie,
I all His truth and grace shall know;
I shall, a sinless sinner, I
Shall perfect holiness below.
My flesh, which cries, It cannot be,
Shall silence keep before the Lord;
And earth, and hell, and sin shall flee
At Jesu's everlasting word.