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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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117. On Children.

117. On Children.

Peace-makers are the children of the High'st,
Not by eternal generation, Christ
Alone is so; nor only by creation
But chiefly by real sanctification.
Adoption and infusion of Grace,
Our childship consists in, we are (alas!)
Not born, but made Gods children, since we are
Not sons till we o' the Divine Nature share.
Th'impulsive cause is Gods free Grace, the cause
Organical is Faith, 'tis Faith which draws
Whole Christ into the heart, him there applies;
This filiating Grace to Christ us ties.


By faith we are made one with Christ, and so
Become a kin to God; b'ing lincked to
The nat'ral son, our brother Christ we gather,
We are Gods children, he our loving father:
God's children have his spirit, for sin are sorry,
Are zealous for his Day, his Truth, his Glory:
Love to enjoy each others companie,
And in Gods presence, delight much to be,
Are like their Heavenly father, and his will
They always are ambitious to fulfil,
Yea make it their ambition to draw in
Others to be of the same Royal-kin.
Sinners made sons! O love to be admir'd,
We neither it deserv'd, nor it desir'd:
God's children are the royal Diadem,
He makes a precious account of them,
Creates them noble persons; them doth crown
With honour, they have titles of renown.
They are call'd Kings, th'excellent of the earth,
And their rich Scutchions shew their Heav'nly birth
The Scripture hath set forth their Heraldry,
Sometimes they give the Eagle flying high,
To heav'n upon the wings of faith and love;
Sometimes they give the meek & harmless Dove;
Sometimes they give as we in Scripture find,
The Lyon, shewing their couragious mind.
Adam was in his innocent estate,
The world's sole Monarch, the Regenerate


Have higher Honour, more renowned are,
Adam was (though a bright) yet falling Star.
Adam's estate was glorious, yet unstable,
And soon was lost, theirs is unalterable.
Gods children are equal in glory to
The Angels, this themselves acknowledge do,
I am thy fellow-servant, in some sense
They are above them, in preheminence.
The Angels are their servants to attend,
And wait upon them to their Journeys end.
Besides, Christ honoured their nature more,
By taking it; though by creation lower
They are then Angels, by adoption higher
Advanced are they, then the blessed Quire.
They have a fairer Coat of Arms to shew
Then Angels, let's their Priviledges view;
God loves them well, though for a while he may
Withdraw from them, yet long he cannot stay:
He will bear with many infirmities,
And will accept of their weak services:
Provide for them he will, he gives them their
Allowance dayly, and he doth prepare
A portion for them, which can never be
Summ'd up to them, he granteth liberty.
He skreens off dangers from them, temporal
And spir't'al evils hurt them not at all.
God will reveal his Law to them, they may
Go to their Father, and with boldness pray;


They're heirs to all the promises, they shall
Their Fathers blessing have for their good all.
Good things, means, mercies, evil things also.
Poverty, sickness, shame, suff'rings, death too,
Shall work together: Christ for them did die,
And they shall never perish finally.
These are the glorious priviledges that
Attend Gods children: Try we our estate,
If we are sanctifi'd by God's good spirit,
We are adopted, and shall Heav'n inherit.
O let's walk as Gods children, yielding still
Loving Obedience to our Fathers Will.
Are we the children of the High'st?
And is our elder brother Christ?
O never let's begin
To fall in league and match with sin:
Better for ever single tarry,
Then with the Devils daughter marry.
'Tis dangerous to dote upon her,
It will degrade us of our Honour.
Her Dowry is the horrid chains
Of darkness, and eternal pains,
The gnawing Worm, sharp whips of Wire,
And streams of sulph'ry-flaming fire.