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EDWIN ANDERSON ALDERMAN, Ph.B., D.C.L., LL.D.  Ex Officio Chairman 
JOHN LLOYD NEWCOMB, B.A., C.E.  Assistant to the President 
ARMISTEAD MASON DOBIE, M.A., LL.B., S.J.D.  Professor of Law 
WILSON GEE, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Rural Economics and Rural Sociology 
TIPTON RAY SNAVELY, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Economics 
BRUCE WILLIAMS, Ph.D.  Professor of Political Science 
DUMAS MALONE, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of History 
FLOYD NELSON HOUSE, Ph.D.  Professor of Sociology 
WILLIAM SUMNER APPLETON POTT, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Philosophy 
FRANK BANE  Associate Professor of Applied Sociology 
FRANK WILLIAM HOFFER, M.A.  Associate Research Professor of Public Welfare 
WILLIAM HENRY STOUFFER, M.A., Ph.D.  Research Associate in Economics 
LESTER J. CAPPON, M.A.  Research Associate in History 
JOHN JAY CORSON, 3rd, B.S.  Research Assistant in Economics 

Establishment.—The announcement was made by President Alderman
to the Rector and the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia during
the commencement exercises last June that the Laura Spelman Rockefeller
Memorial had made a grant of $137,500 to the University for research
in the field of the social sciences—economics, government, sociology, history,
psychology, philosophy and related subjects. The grant extends over
a five year period, $27,500 becoming available each of the years from July
1, 1926 to July 1, 1931.

The work under the provisions of the grant has been organized as an
Institute for Research in the Social Sciences. The President of the University,


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the Assistant to the President, the Dean of the Graduate Department,
the members of the University faculty of professorial rank in the
schools of History, Economics, Government, Jurisprudence, Philosophy,
Psychology, and Sociology and the employed personnel constitute the membership
of the Institute.

As outlined in the resolutions which were adopted by the Institute, "the
duty of this Institute shall be to promote research effort, both individual and
group, in the Social Sciences at the University of Virginia—at the outset
primarily in the field of Virginia problems. It shall further be the function
of the Institute to consider any matter that concerns the development of
the Social Sciences in the University of Virginia, making recommendations
thereon to the President of the University."

Social Science Building.—The University of Virginia Institute for Research
in the Social Sciences is housed in one of the original Jefferson buildings
of the University formerly known as the Old Medical Building. The
interior of the structure has been thoroughly repaired and put in excellent
condition for the activities of the Institute. Provision is made for office
space and equipment for the research workers, and also a general office has
been set up where supplies and secretarial assistance may be obtained.

Scope of Research Effort.—The grant to the University of Virginia is
being utilized at the outset primarily for research into a number of vital
economic and social problems in the life of the State. It has chosen this
field for two reasons. First because Virginia is in a changing period of its
history, and needs full light on its problems to direct as wisely as possible
the current of transition. And secondly, the University of Virginia realizes
that it is a State University and desires to relate itself more and more
intimately with the people and the life of the State in general, feeling that
such a relationship will be mutually beneficial. However, the work of the Institute
in its full development will not be limited to the field of Virginia problems
but large provision will be made for scholarly research in the broader phases of
social science research without respect to geographical boundaries.

The research in the Institute is carried on as the professor's own research
project assisted by well-trained research workers. The plan is to limit the
number of problems to be studied, and to do these thoroughly, and in a
way that will make the investigations of a practical immediate or ultimate
value in the life of the State. A definite portion of the grant is being allotted
for the publication of the studies when completed.