University of Virginia Library


The following courses were offered in the Summer School Session
of 1913 and will, with slight changes, be repeated in the session
of 1914.

  • Agriculture (Nine Courses).

  • Archaeology.

  • Astronomy (Four Courses).

  • Biology (Four Courses).

  • Field Botany.

  • Chemistry (Five Courses).

  • Civil Government (Two Courses).

  • Drawing (Seven Courses).

  • Domestic Economy (Seven Courses).

  • Education (Twenty Courses).

  • English (Twelve Courses).

  • French (Two Courses).

  • Games.

  • Geography (Six Courses).

  • German (Two Courses).

  • Greek (Three Courses).

  • History (Eight Courses).

  • Hygiene and Sanitation (Three Courses).

  • Latin (Seven Courses).

  • Library Methods.

  • Logic (Two Courses).

  • Manual Training (Eight Courses).

  • Mathematics (Sixteen Courses).

  • Music (Fifteen Courses).

  • Nature Study.

  • Philosophy.

  • Physics (Eight Courses).

  • Physiology.

  • Physical Training (Four Courses).

  • Psychology (Three Courses).

  • School Gardening.

  • Story Telling (Two Courses).

  • Writing (Three Courses).