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Sept. 14-20
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Sept. 14-20

At Grace Church to hear Mr. Boyden.... Make some visits this week. Dine at The Creek with Henry and his wife [Henry Howel and Sarah Clegg Lewis.] I'm glad to see them both. Sally Lewis teaches me to plait straw. Call at Clover Fields. Cousin Peggie looks so old and sad. Mr. Nelson is no better; he cannot last much longer. Cousins Charles and Lou were there. They take me for Sally. It makes quite a laughable story as they think Sally has improved much in her looks, in the few weeks time she left them. Mrs. Pellet is making them (at Cloverfields) a visit. She is so handsome. Talks so beautifully of Music Hall in by gone times. It seems she went to the old place on coming into the neighborhood and it was hard to realize the many many changes since she was last a guest under its hospitable roof. Aunt Sue and Uncle Jimmy sleeping quietly in their corner of the garden.

The old house gone, both yard and garden so changed. Nothing she recognized but old Aunt Rachel! [Aunt Rachel is one of the slaves owned by James Hunter Terrel and freed by his will. She, being very elderly, chose to remain in Virginia in bondage rather than go to Liberia.] ....Jabe leaves us Monday for a visit to Richmond to try for a transfer South ....Thursday the 18th [is] Thanksgiving Day we go to church in the morning and return thanks to our God who has been with us in the late battles. The services were conducted by Mr. [Edward S.] Pegram. Mr. [William Cabel] Rives read the sermon. The Psalms appointed by the church were very beautiful and appropriate being the Psalm of Hymn of Thanksgiving after a Victory appointed in the Prayer Book. "For

The Lord hath done great things for us for which we ought to rejoice." Lizzie Dee and I take a ride to Cobham. Fairy concludes to kick up and I take a graceful turn over her head. Fortunately I escape with a few bruises. It occasions Lizzie Dee much merriment ....