University of Virginia Library




(Portuguese Air.)

Hymen, late, his love-knots selling,
Call'd at many a maiden's dwelling:
None could doubt, who saw or knew them,
Hymen's call was welcome to them.
“Who'll buy my love-knots?
“Who'll buy my love-knots?”
Soon as that sweet cry resounded,
How his baskets were surrounded!
Maids, who now first dreamt of trying
These gay knots of Hymen's tying;
Dames, who long had sat to watch him
Passing by, but ne'er could catch him;—
“Who'll buy my love-knots?
“Who'll buy my love-knots?”—
All at that sweet cry assembled;
Some laugh'd, some blush'd, and some trembled.
“Here are knots,” said Hymen, taking
Some loose flowers, “of Love's own making;


“Here are gold ones—you may trust 'em”—
(These, of course, found ready custom).
“Come, buy my love-knots!
“Come, buy my love-knots!
“Some are labell'd ‘Knots to tie men—
“Love the maker—Bought of Hymen.’”
Scarce their bargains were completed,
When the nymphs all cried, “We're cheated!
“See these flowers—they're drooping sadly;
“This gold-knot, too, ties but badly—
“Who'd buy such love-knots?
“Who'd buy such love-knots?
“Even this tie, with Love's name round it—
“All a sham—He never bound it.”
Love, who saw the whole proceeding,
Would have laugh'd, but for good breeding;
While Old Hymen, who was used to
Cries like that these dames gave loose to—
“Take back our love-knots!
“Take back our love-knots!”
Coolly said, “There's no returning
“Wares on Hymen's hands—Good morning!”