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Sept. 7-13
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Sept. 7-13

No church. We hear Bolling Picket was wounded in the last fight and John Mac writes to Daddy to look for him in the hospital in town. He cannot be found; Suppose he was sent to some other place ....Tuesday night the 9th we hear that Cincinatti and Lovington have been surrendered to the Rebs under General Kirby Smith. How blessed our armies have been lately. God grant that peace may soon spread her wings over. (It was a mistake.) We hear that our Army under General Lee are certainly in Maryland. Thursday Jabe, Sally and I start for the lower neighborhood. Walk from Keswick to Mr. Hart's. Find Mr. Hart sick and also little Richard Morris. See a new western cousin, Nick Thomas. We leave in the evening for Uncle Bob's. Aunt Sally gives us such a warm welcome. Lizzie Dee and Ellie are away but come home the next day. Mrs. C. L. Smead is boarding with Aunt Sally. She has some pretty little children but they don't good much. Mrs. Smead is a real lady. I like her much. Saturday I go to visit for the first time my dear Brother's grave. It is hard to realize that green mound holds now all that is left of that once cherished form. A peaceful calm seems to fill my heart while visiting this dear spot. The remembrance of the many happy hours spend with this dear Brother fill up the past. I can think of him ever as one of the Redeemed in That World of Light where I may one day join him. Sister Mary is at the Green Springs so we put up at Castalia until she comes home.