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The Story of England

by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338. Edited from mss. at Lambeth Palace and the Inner Temple, by Frederick J. Furnivall

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Ethelbrightes sone highte Edbalde,
Þe righte feyþ wolde he nought halde;
His wikkednesse ys to mene;
To Iust & Mellite dide he tene;
He & Sygbertes sones þre,
In to ffraunce dide þem fle.
Edbal, þorow a vision
He knew wel he had mis-don,
& þorow þe byschop Lauraunce
He hadde on Crist god affiaunce.
Þre of Sygbertes sones were slayn,
Þe bischopes come to londe agayn.