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Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne

Complete edition with numerous illustrations

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I pray you, when the shadow of death draws nigh,
To bear me out beneath the unmeasured heaven;
I fain would hear the pine-trees' slumberous sigh,
And watch the cloud flotillas drifted high,
By slow, soft breezes driven
Due south, perchance toward realms of tropic balms,
And the warm fragrance of the Syrian palms.
I pray you, when the shadow of death comes down,
Oh! lay me close to nature's pulses deep,
Whether her breast with autumn tints be brown,
Or bright with summer, or hale winter's crown
Press on her brows in sleep;
So nigh the dawn of some new, mavellous birth,
I'd look to heaven, still clasped in arms of earth!
I pray you, when the shadow of death draws near,
Give, give me freedom for my last, faint breath;
Beneath God's liberal heaven I could not fear,
His merciful winds would dry my latest tear,
His sunshine soften death,
And some fair shreds of our dear earth's delight
Cling round the spirit in her upward flight.