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William J. Coffee to Thomas Jefferson
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William J. Coffee to Thomas Jefferson

Honoured Sir

After having promised to see you in person and to undertake the management of One of
Your Cisterns in Nov. last, I Can Scarcely tell what to Say in extenuation unless it is to beg
pardon if I have given any disappointment; the fact is time was so Slipped thro' my fingers
in a manner I Cannot well Account for, and untill the presnt moment, I have not had the
Satisfaction of informing you that I have at last finishd my Labours, with regard to those
models in terra Cotta which your taste in the fine Arts has done me the Honour to patronize,
they are Shipped on the 23. Dec on board The Schooner Rising States, & Consigned to
Captain Peyton to whom I must beg your goodness to write that they may be carefully
conveyed to Monticello I must also take the liberty of requesting you to Inform Mr
Randolph and Mrs Bankhead as to the tenor of this letter; & untill I have the Pleasure of
Seeing you which I hope will be very Soon, Sir pleased to Accept my best Wishes, Sr. I am
Respectfully Yours

William J: Coffee

NB In One of the Cases are two Busts of Mr Jefferson Randolph, One of which I have the
Pleasure of requesting Mrs Randolphs Acceptance

ALS, DLC:TJ, 2p, with TJ docket "Coffee Wm. J. New York Jan. 5. 20. recd Jan. 16."