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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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How the gleam iridescent and shapeless—that lies
Like the Wreck of a Rainbow flung crushed on the skies
With its hues dimly blurred—where low down there flies
The last rack of the tempest; to mariners drear
How forlornly it calls up the memory clear
Of the Arch all resplendent! the luminous Bow
In the glory of orange and purple aglow,
On the thick of the violet shadow behind
In rounded perfection so sharply defined!
When so airily tender—transparently mild,
Yet so firmly enthroned o'er the elements wild;
So softly aspiring and gracefully grand,
On the air, like a rock, it has taken its stand,
And lords it serenely o'er ocean and land!—
Even so—as she lay overwhelmed by despair
Wan, weary and haggard—crushed, cowering there,
Even so—and so sadly! her woe-begone mien
Might have roused the remembrance of what she had been
When the Maid in the maddening days that had flown
In the bloom and the pride of her happiness shone!