University of Virginia Library

The Eternity of God.

‘The King eternal, immortal, invisible,’—1 Tim. i. 17.

King Eternal and Immortal!
We, the children of an hour,
Bend in lowly adoration,
Rise in raptured admiration,
At the whisper of Thy power.


Myriad ages in Thy sight
Are but as the fleeting day;
Like a vision of the night,
Worlds may rise and pass away.
All Thy glories are eternal,
None shall ever pass away;
Truth and mercy all victorious,
Righteousness and love all glorious,
Shine with everlasting ray:
All resplendent, ere the light
Bade primeval darkness flee;
All transcendent, through the flight
Of eternities to be.
Thou art God from everlasting,
And to everlasting art!
Ere the dawn of shadowy ages,
Dimly guessed by angel sages,
Ere the beat of seraph-heart;
Thou, Jehovah, art the same,
And Thy years shall have no end
Changeless nature, changeless name,
Ever Father, God, and Friend!