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[Loue who will, for Ile loue none]


Loue who will, for Ile loue none,
Theres fooles enough besides me:
Yet if each woman haue not one,
Come to me where I hide me,
And if she can the place attain,
For once Ile be her foole againe.


It is an easye place to find,
And women sure should know it;
Yet thither serues not euery wind,
Nor many men can show it:
It is the storehouse, where doth lye
All womens truth & constancy.


If the Jorney be so long,
No woman will aduentvr;


But dreading her weake vessels wrong,
Ye voiage will not enter:
Then may she sigh & lye alone,
In loue with all, yet loude of none.