University of Virginia Library

HYMN 60. (L. M.) The Virgin Mary's Song; or, the promised Messiah born, Luke i. 46, &c.


Our souls shall magnify the Lord,
In God the Saviour we rejoice;
While we repeat the virgin's song,
May the same spirit tune our voice.


The highest saw her low estate,
And mighty things his hand hath done:
His overshadowing power and grace
Makes her the mother of his Son.


Let every nation call her bless'd,
And endless years prolong her fame;
But God alone must be ador'd;
Holy and reverend is his name.


To those that fear and trust the Lord
His mercy stands for ever sure:
From age to age his promise lives,
And the performance is secure.


He spake to Abra'm and his seed,
‘In thee shall all the earth be bless'd;’
The memory of that ancient word
Lay long in his eternal breast.


But now no more shall Israel wait,
No more the gentiles lie forlorn:
Lo, the desire of nations comes,
Behold the promis'd seed is born!