University of Virginia Library


Some Verses found in the Ruins of the Privy Garden, which were carried to the Gentleman Usher, written in a Scroll of Parchment.

When a Knight of the North is lop'd in Ax-yard,
By a biting Peer's trick having play'd a wrong Card;
When at the Green Cloth a Gray does preside,
And a Wolf in a Chain thro the City does ride;
When Chalk pays for Cheese, Gold dwindles to Wood,
And Banks rather let in, than keep out the Flood;
When Grocers-Hall fears to be sent to the Counter,
And Faith Publick's so light that a Feather will mount her;
When the Coin scarcer grows as the Mints do increase,
And we're maul'd with a War without hope of a Peace;
When the Ocean's so Frenchifi'd few Ships do ride in't,
And is rul'd by a Shovel instead of a Trident;
When Justice is forc'd to abandon the Land,
Tho most People are seen with Scales in their Hand;
When a pack of Brib'd Knaves does a Chappel disgrace,
Who deserve the same Fate with the Saint of the Place;
When London's great Wit is shewn in a C---ddon,
And a Man with a Nose does things that he shoud'nt;
Then England, I tell you, you are cursedly sham'd,
It's too late to repent, sin on and be damn'd.