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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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For the ancient world, see: R. Mondolfo, La comprensione
del soggetto humano nell'antichità classica
(Florence, 1958),
pp. 574ff. For Leonardo da Vinci, see: G. Fumagalli, ed.,
Leonardo (Florence, 1952). For the Renaissance contributions
of Bacon and their later history: B. Farrington, Francis
Bacon: Philosopher of Industrial Science
(New York, 1949).
With respect to the spirit of the Reformation and capitalism,
see: E. Troeltsch, Die sozialen Lehren der christlichen
Kirchen und Gruppen
(Tübingen, 1912); trans. O. Wyon as
The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches, 2 vols.
(London and New York, 1931). M. Weber, The Protestant
Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,
trans. Talcott Parsons
(New York, 1930).

General works: H. Arvon, La philosophie du travail (Paris,
1961). Henri Bartoli, Science économique et travail (Paris,
1957). F. Battaglia, Filosofia del lavoro (Bologna, 1951).
M. D. Chenu, Pour une théologie du travail (Paris, 1955); trans.
as Theology of Work (Chicago, 1966). Georges Friedmann,
Où va le travail humain? (Paris, 1951). R. Kwant, Philosophy
of Labor
(Pittsburgh, 1960). Jean Lacroix, Personne et amour
(Paris, 1955). Emmanuel Mounier, La petite peur du XXe
(Paris, 1948). Lewis Mumford, Technics and Civili-
(New York, 1934). P.-M. Schuhl, Machinisme et philos-
(Paris, 1969). J. Todoli, Filosofía del trabajo (Madrid
1954). H. Weinstock, Arbeit und Bildung (Heidelberg, 1954).
S. Wyszinski, Lo spirito del lavoro humano (Brescia, 1964).
Various authors, article “Arbeit,” Sowietssystem und demo-
kratische Gesellschaft
(Friburg, Basel, Vienna, 1964), cols.


[See also Alienation; Baconianism; Culture; Pragmatism;
8 dv4-19 dv4-20 dv4-21">Renaissance; Socialism; Technology.]