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[In a dark silent shady Grove]


In a dark silent shady Grove
Fit for the Delights of Love,
As on Corinna's Breast I panting lay,
My right Hand playing with & cætera.


A thousand Words and amorous Kisses
Prepar'd us both for more substantial Blisses;
And thus the hasty Moments slipt away,
Lost in the Transport of & cætera.



She blush'd to see her Innocence betray'd,
And the small Opposition she had made,
Yet hug'd me close, and with a Sigh did say,
Once more, my Dear, once more & cætera.


But O the Power to please this Nymph was past,
Too violent a Flame can never last;
So we remitted to another Day
The prosecution of & cætera.