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“But that affects not thee: thine insults spare
But for an hour; leave me to go at will


Only till morn, and I will back, and bear
Whate'er thou wilt. What! dost obstruct me still?
“Thine armies dim, and shrouded in the storm,
Then I must meet, and, weary thus and torn,
Essay the force of an immortal arm,
Lone as I am, until another morn
“Shall shame both them and thee to thine abode.
There, on the steam of human heart-blood, spilt
By priest or murderer, make repast;

Those evil spirits or angels who caused themselves to be adored as deities, were said to subsist (according to M. de Fontenelle, who gives authority for all that he asserts, “Leurs corps aëriens se nourissent de fumigations de sang répandu et de la graisse de sacrifices.”—Histoire des Oracles) on the smoke of sacrifices. One is almost induced to believe, with the earlier Christians, that demons really inhabited those temples where so much human blood was spilled. It is far more shocking to suppose that so horrid an expedient could have been invented by one's fellow-mortals for the purposes of deception or interest.

or brood

Over the vile creations of thy guilt.

It is not impossible that some of the angels who assisted at the creation (as is believed by all very ancient nations) might, after the fall, have amused themselves with making those noisome and disgusting reptiles and animalcula which can but startle one's belief in the beneficence of the Being who formed them.