University of Virginia Library

To Colonel Bellville.
Thursday Afternoon.

O Ciel! I faint! what a world do we live in! How many unavoidable enemies to enjoyment! It is sometimes too cold, sometimes too hot to be happy! One is never pleased a week together. I shall absolutely grow a snarling philosopher, and find fault with every thing.

These unconscionable lovers have dragged me cross an open meadow, exposed to the sun's burning rays–no mercy on my complexion –Lady Julia sure, for her own sake, –yet she is laughing at my distress. I am too languid to say more.–Oh! for a cooling breeze!

"The whispering zephyr, and the purling rill."


We are going to have an addition to our group of friends: Emily Howard, daughter to the late dean of — , a distant relation, and rector of the parish, being expected to-morrow at Belmont: she is Lady Julia's friend in the most emphatical sense of the word. Do you know, I feel extremely inclined to be jealous of her; and am angry with myself for such meanness?

A. Wilmot.

Tuesday, 3d.