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Sacra Poesis

By M. F. T. [i.e. M. F. Tupper]

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Shall I tell thee why thou art
An image of the Christian's heart,
St. Martha's?
Thy ruin'd nave and crumbling porch
End in a modest little church;
Devotion often bends the knee
And pray'r and praise ascend from thee;
Though oft in mists thy brow is clouded,
And oft with storms thy summit shrouded,
Still mid the tempests round thee hurl'd
Thou risest high above the world,
And seemest still to kiss the skies,
And longing on the wing to rise,
St. Martha's.


I trace thee emblematic still,
A landmark, “built upon a hill,”
As on thy watch-tower posted high
Thou hast communion with the sky,
And often bringest blessings down,
The vapours that thy summit crown.
Then may I but be more like thee
For all thy worth I clearly see,
St. Martha's.