University of Virginia Library


Ann Lee.

Eh, Tommy! wat, wad tha be koossin'
A wench 'at's as moocky as me?
If Ah thowt abaht cooddlin' an' boossin',
Mah certie, it wadna be thee!
Well, thah sees mah—Ah's black, an' Ah's sweatin';
Mah faace is all smoother'd i' grime:
Nobbut tooch ma, Ah'll gie tha a pettin'
'Ull last tha for t' rest o' thah time!
Aye, Ah meeans wat Ah says, an' Ah'll do it;
Soon as iver thah cooms ower near,
Ah'll let tha, me lad, bud thah'll rue it—
For Ah'll mak tha as black as thy dear.
Here's a pair o' black airms, 'at'll clip tha—
Aye, stoot uns, an' fit for sich sport:
For Ah'll hoog tha, an' tew tha, an' grip tha,
Wahl t' breath i' thy body roons short.
Thoo mun speer for a kooss, bud Ah tell tha
Thoo'll niver git nowt bud a fall:
Wat, thoo thinks this here fist canna fell tha?
Joost try it, mah beauty, that's all!


Joost try te git me for a sweetheart,
Thoo fond little waak little mon!
If thah mooth was as sweet as a tea-tart,
Ah'd ha' noan o' thah koosses—nut wonn!
Can thoo 'elp ma at keckin' an' throotchin'?
Can thoo deah wi' mah pick an' mah spaade?
Nut thee! Thah's afeard on a smootchin';
Thah'd niver be fit for eawr traade.
Thah likes te be eeasy an' jolly,
An' niver diz nowt for thysell;
Thah's a coddle, mah lad, an' a Molly,
As white as a laadyfied gell.
Thah's allas agaat amoong singgers—
Ah've seed tha', as prood an' as grand!
Wi' thy waas 'at's as stiff as mah fingers,
An' as 'ard as this 'oof o' mah 'and.
Eh, Ah should be a feeal an' a gaaby,
If Ah was te listen te thee!
Ah sud ha' te keep thee an' a baaby,
Beside ma owd moother an' me.
Gan thee waas! If thah thinks abaht coortin',
Ther's soom 'at'll ha' tha, naw doot:
Eawr Jenny's a-seechin' 'er fortin—
Ax 'er if thah koosses 'll suit!


Ah laa thoo can tell weer te find 'er—
An' Ah could, weeriver hoo's gone;
For hoo'll kindle as wick as a tinder,
At sight of a graadely yoong mon.
Hoo's a poor little wench, is eawr Jenny,
An' worrks at John Dickison mill:
Her airms is as waak an' as skinny—
Naw woonder hoo's poorly an' ill.
Gan thee waas tiv 'er, then! If Ah catch tha
A-speerin' agëan efter me,
Ah'll set yon owd Towzer te watch tha,
As sear as mah naam is Ann Lee!