University of Virginia Library



Not of flowers in the heart of the mountains
Nor of silvery voice of the fountains
Nor of leaves of the summer or spring
Nor of moss nor of ferns do I sing
In this, the new song that I bring.
Though the blossom of passion be there
And the passionless bloom of despair,
Yet, chief of all blossoms for me,
And fairer than blossom of tree,
Is the bloom of the foam of the sea.


“Song-Bloom” was of love and of hours
That dreamed 'mid the bosoms of flowers:
But the spray of the sea is in this
And the voice of the wind, and its kiss,
And the storm's ineffaceable bliss.
And the colours of waves and of skies
And of clouds as they darken and rise;
And, mighty as ever for me,
The mingling in measureless glee
Of moon and of stars and of sea.