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Later Poems of Alexander Anderson

"Surfaceman": Edited with a Biographical Sketch, by Alexander Brown: A New Edition

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That nicht the dancin' schule was dune,
We had a ball to end the spree;
An' Willie Stewart played the tune,
An' cockit up fu' gleg his ee.
But dim that nicht an' a' I see,
An' gane that time o' mirth an' fun;
But ae thing still comes back to me,
I danced wi' Mary Morrison.
Noo, could it be an auld love sang
The Master-spirit left us here
Was in my head an' workin' thrang—
I hadna time to think or spier?


It took me a' my time to steer
Through couples till the dance was dune;
But aye a voice was in my ear,
Ye've danced wi' Mary Morrison.
What lang dreich years ha'e fled since then,
What things ha'e come, what things ha'e gane,
And some are in a foreign lan',
Some sleep aneath their ain heid stane.
The lads an' lasses unco fain
Are far an' wide as leaves are blown,
An' here I'm sittin' a' my lane,
But where is Mary Morrison?