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V. The 31st HYMN.

To Pallas.

Only-begotten, noble race of Jove,
Pallas, blest Goddess, warlike martial maid,
Thou word ineffable, of mighty name,
Inhabiting the stars, o'er craggy rocks
And shady mountains passing; thou in groves
Thy soul delightest: with wild fury fixing
The minds of mortals, joying in bright armour.


Gymnastic maid, with fierce and furious soul:
Virgin, dire Gorgon's bane, mother of arts,
Impetuous, violent: wisdom to the good,
And to the evil, madness: parent of war,
And counsel: thou art male and female too:
Multiform dragoness, fam'd enthusiastic,
O'er the Phlegræan giants with destruction
Thy coursers driving: sprung from head of Jove.
Purger of evils, all-victorious queen;
Hear me, with supplicating vows approaching
Both nights and days, and ev'n in my last hours:
Give us rich peace, saturity and health,
With prosp'rous seasons, O thou blue-ey'd maid,
Of arts inventress, much implored queen.