University of Virginia Library

SONNET XXV. The Hermitage at TURRICK to the Root-House at WREST.

The Beechen Roots of wood-clad Buckingham
To Bedford Elms, their courteous breth'ren, send
Health and kind greeting, as from friend to friend,
And gladly join to celebrate their fame;
Beyond all roots above ground we proclame
You happiest, destin'd all your days to spend
In Wrests fair groves, and Graia to defend
From Eurus' blasts, and Phœbus sultry flame;
High Privilege to you, though dead, accorded,
Which every living tree with envy views!
We envy not, but pray for your stability;
Proud, that ourselves by Graia are regarded,
At her command we not the fire refuse,
But chearful blaze and burn with Affability

A cant word used by the Builders of the Root-house.