University of Virginia Library


ODE the Eighteenth. ON THE Birth of Lord Herbert In the Year 1734.

Born of Heros, and of Sages,
Glorys all of all their Ages,
What illustrious Blood has run,
Rolling pure from Sire to Son,
Which with Time fresh Honour gains,
To enrich thy little Veins?
Worthys near to Kings ally'd,
Props of Kingdoms and their Pride,
Men the first in Man's Esteem,
Of the Muse the Friends and Theme,
Such as thou perhaps may'st be,
Hasten'd on to live in thee.


From the Lion's princely Dam
Never sprung the fearful Lamb:
From the tow'ring Eagle's Love
Never rose the tim'rous Dove:
May'st thou, with Encrease of Days,
Merit all thy House's Praise,
Judge in what their Virtues ly
With an emulating Eye:
Early may'st thou then inherit
All thy Father's manly Spirit.
When to nuptial Bands inclin'd,
May'st thou, like thy Father, find
One to crown with Joy thy Youth,
Deck'd with Beauty, Love, and Truth,
Whose majestic Form and Grace
May improve the noble Race.