University of Virginia Library


[Where new and brighter Objects I shall see]

Where new and brighter Objects I shall see,
Objects which with my intellectual Sight agree:
Find Wonders greater than these here below,
And what I see shall with Exactness know:


Shall then no more be to my self confin'd,
But live with Crouds of Spirits ever kind,
Cœlestial Forms from every Passion free,
But Love, blest Bond of their Society;
That sacred Bond, which do's their Hearts unite,
Do's them to Friendship's pleasing Sweets invite,
To Sweets which we can never here possess,
To Joys which only separate Souls can bless;
When freed from Earth, and all its base Alloy,
They taste such Pleasures as shall never cloy;
Pleasures, whose Gust is much too high for Sense,
Too strong, too pure, too lasting, too intense;
Joys to exalted Reason only known,
Of which not here the smallest Glimpse is shown:
What we call Friendship does from Interest rise,
'Tis mean, 'tis vile, 'tis what the Good despise;
Is but a Trade, a Trafficking for Gain.
How few are they who little Tricks disdain,
Scorn wheedling Arts, and uncorrupted Truth maintain?
But those Above, those wise, those spotless Minds,
Are still sincere, it there the noblest welcome finds,
Love reigns supreme, and its diffusive Fire,
Warms every Breast, do's every Heart inspire;
Its Flames still rise, till that dear happy Day,
When Heav'nly Glories all their Pomp display;


When new Delights shall bless their wond'ring Eyes,
And they in shining Bodies mount the Skies,
Shall meet their God in Extasies Divine,
And to his Love each meaner Bliss resign.