University of Virginia Library


39. Now syng we right as it is:
‘Quod puer natus est nobis.’



This babe to vs now is born;
Wonderfull werkis he hath wrowght;
He wold not lesse that was forlorn,
But again he hath vs bowght.
And thus it is, / for soth ywys,
He asketh no thyng / but þat is his.
[Now syng we right as it is:
‘Quod puer natus est nobis.’]


A dulfull deth to hym was mente,
Whan on þe rode his body was spred,
& as a theff he was ther hente.
& on a spere his liff was lede.
And thus it is, / for soth ywis,
He asketh no thynge but þat is his.
[Now syng we right as it is:
‘Quod puer natus est nobis.’]


“Man, why art thow vnkynd to me?
What woldest thow I did for the more?
Geve me thy trew harte, I pray the;
Yff thow be dampned, it ruthe me sore.”
And thus it is / for sothe ywis,
He asketh no thyng / but þat is his.
[Now syng we right as it is:
‘Quod puer natus est nobis.’]


“Man, I love the, / whom loveste thowe?
I pray the, torne to me agayn,
& thow shalt be as welcom nowe
As he that never in syn was seyn.”
And thus it is / for soth ywys,
He asketh no thynge but þat is his.
[Now syng we right as it is:
‘Quod puer natus est nobis.’]