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Miscellaneous poems

By Andrew Marvell

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Senec. Traged. ex Thyeste Chor. 2.
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Senec. Traged. ex Thyeste Chor. 2.


Stet quicunque volet potens
Aulæ culmine lubrico &c.

Climb at Court for me that will
Tottering favors Pinacle;
All I seek is to lye still.
Settled in some secret Nest
In calm Leisure let me rest;
And far of the publick Stage
Pass away my silent Age.
Thus when without noise, unknown,
I have liv'd out all my span,
I shall dye, without a groan,
An old honest Country man.
Who expos'd to others Ey's,
Into his own Heart ne'r pry's,
Death to him's a Strange surprise