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Mvsica transalpina

Madrigales translated out of foure, fiue and sixe partes, chosen out of diuers excellent Authors, vvith the first and second part of La Verginella, made by Maister Byrd, vpon tvvo Stanza's of Ariosto, and brought to speake English vvith the rest. Published by N. Yonge, in fauour of such as take pleasure in Musicke of voices

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[XXXIIII. Sometime when hope relyu'd me]

Sometime when hope relyu'd me

Sometime when hope relyu'd me, I was cōntented to see my starre so sightly, that shines so cleare & brightly, to see my starre so sightly, that shines so cleare & brightly, that shines so cleare & brightly, O since shee first consented to leaue the world all earthly Ioy defying, to leaue the world all earthly ioy defying, all earthly ioy defying, in vaine lament I, since a vayle now hideth the rarest beautie that on earth abydeth, the rarest beauty that on earth abydeth, the rarest beautie that on earth abydeth, that on the earth abydeth.