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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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Papists doe

First this is the principal article of that secret diuinity that raigneth amōst the Popes, & that whole Colledge of Cardinals, that there is no God: the second, that al things that are written & taught concerning Christ are lyes and deceites: the third, that the doctrine of the life to come, & of the last resurrection are meer fables. Calu. l. 4. Instit. c. 7. sect. 27.

hold (thus prate al Ministers

Whom to the pulpit their glib tongue preferr's)
That ther's no God, that al which Scriptures shew
Concerning Christ are fables, and vntrue;
That after this, there is no life, nor must
Our flesh, once rot, return againe from dust:

The Papists make the Virgin Mary a God, attribute to her almightines both in heauē & earth &c. In the Papacy al haue made recourse to Mary, and haue expected more fauour and grace at her hands then from Christ himself. Lut. ad Euang. de fest. Annunt.

Virgin Mary is their chiefest God,

She hath al power, she rules the dreadful rod
Of Heauen's dread wrath, for her they Christ reiect,
And more at her hands, then at his expect.



Papists doe not only adore Saints insteed of Christ, but also their bones, cloaths, shoes, and images. Calu. de necessit. reform. Eccles. see also the Magdeburg. præfat. in 6. centur.

Saints they doe, in lieu of Christ, implore,

Their shoes, cloaths, images, and bones adore.
Christs death, they

Rogers accuseth a Iesuite and some other Catholiks to hold that Christ came into the world to saue no women but men, and that one Mother lane is the sauiour of women. Rogers vpon the 39. articl. of the Church of England. p. 183. 14.

hold, for men did pardon gaine,

Women are saued by one Mother Iane.
A man with them may Gods' commandments keep

Papists teach that man, by the proper forces of nature, may without God's grace keep the Commādments. Luth. ad lib. Duc. Georg. an. 1533.

his grace: al

Papists in their penance made no mention of Christ and faith: their opinion and hope was only in their owne workes, whereby their sinnes were before God to be blotted out; and a little after: In their confession there was no faith, no Christ. Artic. Smalcald. part. 3. art. 3.

faith is laid to sleep

When they doe penance; yea

Our Babylon (meaning the Church of Rome) hath so extinguished faith, as with an impudent forehead she denyes it to be necessary in this Sacrament: yea with Antichristian impiety she defines it to be an heresy, if any one affirme faith to be necessary. Luth. de capt. Babyl. cap. de pœnitent.

t'is heresy

T'affirme that faith therein is necessary.

Papists hold that God is appeased and made propitious vnto vs by traditions, and not for Christ. Apolog. confess. August. cap. de tradit. human.

one of them by Christ, but by bare straines

Of mans inuention, vnto heauen attaines.
And when they pray

In al their litanies, hymnes, and proses, where no honour is left vngiuen to dead Saints, there is no mention of Christ. Calu. l. 3. Inst. c. 20. sect. 21.

no mention's made of Christ,

But of his creatures. Minister, thou ly'st.