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To the Frontispice of Abakuk Bissets Booke, Of the Olde Monuments of Scotland.

Twixt Was, and Is, how various are the Ods!
What one Man doth, another doth vndoe:
One consecrates Religious Workes to Gods,
Another leaues sad Wrackes, and Ruines now.
Thy Booke doth show, that such, and such things were,
But would to GOD that it could say, They are.


When I pererre the South, North, East, and West,
And marke (alace) each Monument amis;
Then I conferre Tymes present with the past;
I reade what was, but cannot see what is:
I prayse thy Booke with wonder, but am sorie,
To reade olde Ruines in a recent Storie.