University of Virginia Library

Psal. 35. Judica, Domine.



My right, O Lord, against them plead,
that plead against my right:
My powers to fight against them lead,
whose powers against mee fight.


Upon thy dart-despising shield
and buckler lay thy hand:
In my defence to fight the field,
and up to help mee stand.


Charge lance and sword, and stop the way
where any mee pursu'th:


Soule, I am thy salvation, say,
say to my soule for truth.


Confusion let them never lacke,
that seeke my soules surprize:
Their branded faces shame send backe,
my evill that devise.


Driven as the chaffe before the wind,
let breath their burthen beare:
The Angel of the Lord behind,
them scatt'ring here and there.


Let darke and slipp'ry be their way,
and let (that they may fall)
The Angel of the Lord dismay,
and persecute them all.


For closely they their net have rigg'd,
corruptly to entoile;
And causlesly a pit have digg'd,
to make my soule their spoile.


Let desolation unawares,
and head-long him forestall;
And caught in his owne secret snares,
selfe-mischiefe make him fall.


And let my soule her solace sing,
that in the Lord I find:
What joy doth his salvation bring,
what musicke to my mind?


Which were my tongue enforc't to stay,
and silent-strooke in mee:
My bones would all breake forth, and say,
Lord, who is like to thee,


That bringst deliverance to the poore,
from hand for him too strong:
The poore-afflicted from the doore,
where rapine dwells and wrong?



False-witnesse did against mee rise,
avouching termes untrue;
And they to charge mee did devise,
with what I never knew.


My good with evill they repaid,
and for my recompence,
My barren soule by them fore-laid,
bereft of all defence.


But as for mee, when sicke they were,
in sack-cloth weed I mourn'd:
My humbled soule did food forbeare,
my bosom'd-praier return'd.


I walk't, as if I had been one
had lost a friend or brother;
I bow'd downe sadly, as a sonne,
that sorroweth for his mother.


But in my halting, glad together,
the abject-scourges got:
In spite or scorne, I knew not whether,
to rend mee, resting not.


With flatterers, flouting Parasites
at riotous Revells met,
To feast their feasters with delight,
their teeth against mee whet.


This, Lord, how long wilt thou behold?
my soule from tumult free:
My dearling from the Lions hold,
let safely rescu'd be.


So in the great Assembly thankes
to thee will I present:
And through a mighty peoples rankes,
will make thy praise be sent.


O make not my false-hearted foes
triumphers over mee:


With causlesse hate, their eyes which close,
and sleering will not see.


For why? they speake not peace as friends,
but beare us faire in hand,
To crosse with their deceitfull ends
the quiet of the land.


Their mouth on mee they opened wide,
and full of scorne and ire:
Aha, Aha, Our eye hath spi'd,
(said they) our hearts desire.


Thou, Lord, hast seen all this excesse,
then hold not thou thy tongue:
From mee, O Lord, in this distresse
depart not farre, nor long.


Arise, and make no longer pause,
to judge my right awake:
My God, my Lord, to plead my cause,
of mine thine owne it make.


As Justice is thy touch, to trie,
judge, Lord my God, of mee:
And let not their unrighteous eie,
my fall, their triumph see.


Let them not say within their heart,
Ha, this our soule would have:
Let them not say, We for our part
have made our throat his grave.


Abash't confusion cloud their face,
that at my hurt rejoyce:
Shame be their shrowd, to my disgrace
that magnifie their voice.


But joyfull shouting raise their spirit,
and give their gladnesse way:
That in my Justice take delight,
this alway let them say,



“Thy servant prospers more, the more
“his proud oppressors cease:
“The Lord be magnifi'd therefore,
“that loves his servants peace.


And so thy Justice shall fulfill
the musicke of my tongue:
Upon thy praise shall be my skill
to descant all day long.