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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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Ecclesiasticus .xxiii.

Ecclesiasticus .xxiii.


Syng this as, I am the man whome God. &c.

Oh lorde I the desyre
Of thyne abundant grace,
That pryde & scornefull countenance
Appeare not in my face.
Thy goodnes nowe extend,
Oh for thy mercies sake,
Disdeyne and all voluptuousnes
Witsafe from me to take.
The fylthy fleshly lustes
That to our bodies leane,


Destroye therof the fyery rage,
And make me chaste and cleane.
Of pitie oh good Lorde
Extincte in me this fyre:
And let my mynde be mundifyd
Of eche vncleane desyre.
Oh leaue me not I saye
To myne owne lust and wyll:
Thyne ayde doe not from me withdrawe,
But be my succour styll:
Least wanting of thy helpe,
I runne in error blynde:
And fall into vnshamfastnes,
And obstinate of mynde.
Oh be thou my fortres,
That I may prayse thy name:
So shall I other men exhort
Also to doe the same.