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The Knaues of Spades and Diamonds. With new Additions [by Samuel Reynolds]

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The Picture of a Swagerer.

A bedlam looke, shag haire, and staring eyes,
Horse coursers tongue, for oths and damned lies,
A Pickt-hatch paire of pockey limping legs,
And goes like one that fees in shackles begs.
A Nose that smoketh with Tobacco still,
Stinking as lothsome as doth Hecla hill.
His fist with hang-mans fire-worke closely fild,
His itching backe with Bridewell medicine kild,
His Rapier pawn'd, that borrowed which he weares,
And dares not see a Sergeant for his eares.

His richest ware-house is a greasie pocket,
And two pence in Tobacco still doth stocke it,
His bootes that keepe his legs from nakednesse,
Holding a paire of stockins but excesse)
Came to him from a friend that late did dye,
Being indeed a Tyburne legacie.
For there they cap'red to their owners paine,
And there he meanes to bring them backe againe.
Which showes some conscience in the cursed crew,
That will not cheate the hangman of his due.