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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Be alwayes

Sap. 1.

mery euery Daye, for thats a noble Treasure.

And be vnregarding vtterly, in althings what you heare:
In our accord, liue Merely, and cast-by Greef and Feare.
And ; to glory in your High-mynde; let nothing trouble you.

All what ye Thoughts, in themselues, think good and do alow.
That same see you follow, wherseuer you vse your Hanting:
Be it Right or Wrong/for thatt is our Implanting/
And we two dilligent Wayters, wil in no-wyse you forsake.

O no: but ; to your Benefite; a speciall Care wil take,
Your Myndes alwayes to gouerne, right-well, on euery-syde.
And then can you prooue althings, & Good from Badd, deuyde,
Through your dilligent Study, in our prudent Understanding.

Those which speake against vs, deface them all, with Slandring/
Feare nomans Hande, that subiect to vs is not bounde:
For Good-thinkings vnholy Exhortation, profounde/
Ye must with such Acts, in any-case obserue.