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Qvips vpon qvestions

or, A Clownes conceite on occasion offered. bewraying a morrallised metamorphoses of changes vpon interrogatories: shewing a litle wit, with a great deale of will; or in deed, more desirous to please in it, then to profite by it. Clapt vp by a Clowne of the towne in this last restraint, hauing litle else to doe, to make a litle vse of his fickle Muse, and carelesse of carping. By Clunnyco de Curtanio Snuffe [i.e. Robert Armin]

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VVho dyed first?

VVho dyed first?

Not he that first was borne, I am sure of that.
Who then I pre-thee? Faith I do not know.
Harken to me, and I will tell thee what.
What is it thou wilt tell me? pre-thee show
Who first did die, good do, or else I haue wrong.
Who ere dide first, I feare thou liu'st too long.
Caine slew his brother Abel, I do reed.
The worse lucke his to die by his owne brother.
The better cause hast thou to take more heede:
For thou art one, and I must be the other.
What wilt thou kill mee? Say I should do so,
Twere but a friendly part, to kill my foe.
How haue I wrongd thee, let me know but this?
How canst thou chose but wrong me with much spight,
When all the world knowes thou hast done amisse?
For to thy selfe yet thou didst neuer right.
Then I will right my owne wronges, foolish elfe,
When as I list, Ile quickly kill my selfe.


True, is it so in deede, the more's my sorrow,
Men can not say that they will liue to morrovv:
But die they vvill to morrovv or to night,
Such haste some make to hell, the more the spight.


Then since tis so, and that you two agree,
Vse your ovvne vvilles, and hange both for me.
Abel vvas able to endure that banging,
And you are able both to endure a hanging.